I feel fine - well, I certainly feel "due" now, with the big belly that makes it uncomfortable to sleep, and I started to get swollen ankles every night. But, I do have to admit that I feel...fine. Yep, I could do this for another few weeks and it would be no big deal. So... we shall see.
On a technical note, I am drinking 2 or more small pots of Red Raspberry Leaf tea each day now - to strengthen and tone my uterus. I'm also taking 3-5 500mg capsules of Evening Primrose Oil each day - and that is supposed to help "ripen" your cervix. It gives the potential to make labor quicker, so that sounds good to me! I've also begun to take a natural iron supplement called Floradix. That's about it as far as medical issues. I feel fine, baby is doing fine, and next week is Christmas! Crazy....
I'm just amazed at how small you are!! I think Jocelyn is bigger... dont tell her I said that, hahaha! It's so nice to see your updates and see how things are going though! We'll be excited to hear the news, sometime!