Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Still Keeping My Secret

Well this pregnancy is soaring by already - why, I'm about 1/4 through it since I'll be 11 weeks on Friday. (And that is 1/4 of 44 weeks...) I'm starting to want to tell people but on the other hand, it's kind of fun to keep this secret. We've never kept a pregnancy quiet before, but with all the life/career changes we're going through right now, we just figured we should wait until the dust settles!

As far as how I'm feeling and stuff... It's funny because since I was around the 8-10 week mark, I found myself a little more nervous and more "aware" of my pregnancy, since that was the timing that I misscarried before having my last baby. I found myself wondering if I was really feeling pregnant, or if it was my imagination!

One of my typical pregnancy symptoms that I have the whole pregnancy is nasal congestion. I've read that it is due to changes in hormones and it plauges me from early pregnancy until I deliver. It isn't horrible, but I find myself snorting a little by morning, and needing to blow my nose.

So yes, I'm still congested. So yes, I'm really pregnant - I must be! Not to mention the fatigue and nausea. I haven't thrown up at all this pregnancy (bonus!)but I've felt "off" quite a bit and had the feeling of excess salivation that is really annoying.

On a positive side my cravings are unreal. Not that I'm craving bad food or anything but I will just want a certain food - whether it be a sandwich or grapefruit or whatever. Then when I eat it, it's like my tastebuds are dancing all over the place. Food tastes SOOOO freakin good right now! I love it! But then there are those times where I don't want to eat and everything turns me off - but I know if I don't eat something, I'll feel worse... Oh well.

I think my only challenge right now is getting my 14 (almost 15 month) old to sleep all night. He's doing so much better than he was a couple months ago, but it is hard for me to wake up in the wee hours of the morning to nurse him, and then have to try and get back to sleep. It really disrupts my sleep pattern and I find if I don't sleep enough, I have the worst pregnancy symptoms. Hopefully this is something we'll have figured out in the very near future.

Well, that's all for an update. Nothing much has changed - so nothing to report. I *think* I can feel my uterus just around my pubic bone. It's really hard to tell. I guess if things are all normal, it will be popping out in the next week or so and it will be really easy to feel where it is.

Well, I have a slightly sick baby I need to nurse now...

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