Ummm... so, I've been really busy lately. So busy I haven't been spending all my time thinking about pregnancy and now I'm 37 weeks along!
We are in the midst of moving into a house that needs major renovations (but it will be worth it because we'll have more space, more bathrooms and an awesome location). So all that I've been thinking about and doing lately is packing and moving and doing extra homeschooling with the kids since we'll be in a state of hiatus for a while!
There have been a few developments with my pregnancy though. I have decided to hire a doula (with a back-up doula/secondary doula who happens to be my kids' piano teacher) as labor support. I'm not sure exactly when I will call them - it will either be when the birth is eminent, because everything is going great - or I can call them when things are getting tough if it is as long and drawn out as my last birth.
I don't want someone who will come in and direct my labor - I'm just looking for support and encouragement. If I had a midwife, I imagine it would be much more hands on, because she is responsible for the outcome of the birth. I'm not wanting to give that responsibility away by hiring a doula - in fact, I've pretty much requested that they stay out of the way unless I ask for something. If all is great, they'll just be a glorified photographer and tea-brewer! So that's the plan.
Now the biggest question is how things will look in our house by the time I go into labor. We have so much work to do! This week, Dan is just focusing on finishing up plumbing and electrical so we have a toilet, sink and washer/dryer hook-ups! The drywall and carpet and paint will have to come as we have time over the next few weeks...
I'll post a picture of my growing belly soon - I was going to with this post, but my camera batteries needed to be charged.
Weight wise, I've gained between 25-30 pounds and my weight gain has slowed from what it was in the later second-early third trimester. I've also spent this month cutting out sweets, and that has maybe helped me from gaining extra. I'm still exercising; doing cardio 3-4 times a week for 20-30 minutes. Still feel really good; like I can keep up! The last couple of months I was feeling like my belly was huge, but now it seems to be on the smaller-normal side. I also seem to be measuring more in line with my weeks of pregnancy - whereas before I was quite a few weeks ahead.
So, all is well! The only thing I've really changed is I just started taking Evening Primrose Oil, 500mg, 3X/day. I'm still drinking red-raspberry leaf tea and try to remember to take my multivitamin with iron. I'm taking a Vitamin D supplement as well, especially with all the sickness (H1N1) going around.
Last of all... I've noticed braxton hicks contractions for the last few weeks. So I suppose my body is on it's way to labor, although how far away labor is, I have no idea! Being 3 weeks from my "due date" still means I could be 6 weeks from having this baby! I'm excited, but not at all anxious yet - there's just too much going on!